Welcome to Capital Rivers Connect

Capital Rivers Connect

Our Services


At Capital Rivers Connect, we understand the importance of a comprehensive market analysis when developing a community retail and business recruitment strategy. Our first step is to conduct a thorough gap analysis in the areas of retail, entertainment, and hospitality. This analysis enables us to identify holes in the market that can be filled by attracting new retailers and services to the community. By bringing in businesses that offer unique products and experiences, it can increase traffic and drive sales for existing businesses in the community as well.

In addition to a gap analysis, we conduct a peer community analysis to understand the competitive landscape and identify areas of opportunity. By studying the successes and failures of similar communities, we can develop a recruitment strategy that differentiates us from our competitors and attracts the right businesses in the community. We also leverage mobile tracking data analysis to understand the shopping behaviors and preferences of the target audience. 

We then analyzes the existing real estate inventory to identify opportunities and strategically match those opportunities with retailers and businesses that are the best fit. By focusing on these key areas, we can develop a bespoke comprehensive community retail and business recruitment strategy.


When developing a retail and business recruitment strategy, Capital Rivers Connect knows that outreach and branding are key elements in relaying your message. We recommend creating a custom professionally recorded podcast episode that focuses on the competitive advantages of locating within the community and highlights specific retail, entertainment, and hospitality opportunities located within the community. This podcast can be marketed via email, social media, and other online efforts to attract potential retailers, businesses and developers to the community.

To further promote the podcast and attract potential retailers, we create a custom-written article and bi-weekly targeted social media campaigns that highlight benefits and opportunities within the community. These articles and campaigns can be utilized in marketing efforts to reach a wider audience and lay the groundwork for attracting potential retailers and businesses to the community. Additionally, bi-weekly targeted email marketing campaigns should be sent out to strategically targeted retailers and businesses that highlight specific retail, entertainment, and hospitality opportunities within the community.

In addition, a custom marketing brochure is created that includes existing retail and industrial areas, available opportunities for retail and industrial development, as well as new and upcoming residential developments to be promoted at International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) events. These events provide a great opportunity to showcase the community and attract potential retailers and businesses to the community. By utilizing these multiple channels and strategies, we can develop a comprehensive community retail and business recruitment strategy that generates impactful results.


Communication is crucial in maintaining a successful community retail and business recruitment strategy. As such, Capital Rivers Connect provides our clients with in-depth monthly reports that highlight all active recruitment activities, including progress made in filling any gaps in the market identified in our retail, entertainment, and hospitality gap analysis. These reports also include feedback and suggestions from potential retailers and industry updates that may impact our strategy. By providing this information regularly, we keep our clients informed and involved in the process.

Finally, we provide updates on our connections made at the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) events. Our team attends these events to network with potential retailers and industry professionals and gain insights into the latest trends and innovations in the retail industry. By sharing these updates with our clients, we ensure that our recruitment strategy remains current and relevant. Our in-depth monthly reports are just one way we demonstrate our commitment to our clients and our dedication to their success.

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